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How To Advertise Student Accommodation Using Google Ads
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How To Advertise Student Accommodation Using Google Ads

Written by Sam | July 29, 2020

Using Google is a must and most student landlords use this, in fact too many use it and have the same generic type of ad and this where we want to be a little different.

Creating Google Ads

Images are great, make sure that you give off a strong brand and don’t be afraid to say the obvious in the ads, for example, ‘Book Student Accommodation’.

Create several ads to a campaign and you can see which one works best for you and your audience. Your audience is something you should take care of and nurture.

A good option here is to untick the google network referral option, this essentially stops your ad being shown on other sites that you have no idea or relevant to and being charged for it.

An example here is I was searching on websites and all I kept getting was book your student accommodation on every site. The bit that is important here is relevance, you don’t get charged unless they click on it, but after it will turn in to white noise!

It is so obvious when websites display banner ads and sell them to other companies for money.

Tips for ads

  • High quality photos
  • Take up as much space as possible
  • Aim for search ads rather than other types of ads
  • Research your keywords and make sure you remove any that have a negative effect
  • Vary headlines and descriptive text

YouTube Ads For Student Accommodation

Many forget about this part of google and aim a lot of their spend on google search terms and this is obvious when they rank on any word with ‘Student’ in it, even when it is something not related.

To do this properly it can take time and cost a fair whack of money if you get the video done properly.

Tips for a YouTube ad:

  • Create a good video
  • Leave a few seconds at the end for people to click on your ad
  • Colours mean a lot here
  • Make it obvious, big bold easy letters. They can skips this at any time!
  • Monitor ad performance and have other videos as a backup

YouTube is a big platform for learning and education, if you want to know anything it is either googled or YouTubed and you can take advantage of this.

Look at search terms and what is used most and target those terms depending on their cost!

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