London is the capital and largest city of England.
London is the biggest city in western Europe, and the world’s largest financial centre.
For a long time, London was a small city. All its people lived inside the walls that were built by the Romans. This area is still called the City of London. There were many villages around the city. Gradually, more people came to live there. Then, step by step, the villages joined together into one huge city.
London Underground is the main way commuters get into London.
There are five airports within the suburbs of Greater London making it easy to get to!
Home to many tourist spots such as the London Eye, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace. There are so many that would run out. Living there at university means you can explore them all!
University of Roehampton Facts
The University of Roehampton is a modern university located in south-west London, near the affluent and picturesque Richmond.
The university evolved from four teacher training colleges, the first of which, Whitelands College, was established in 1841.The others are Digby Stuart, established 1874; Froebel College, established 1892; and Southlands College, founded in the 1970s but now located on a modern campus. Each College is home to thousands of students.
In 1975 the four institutions federated to form Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, which became the University of Roehampton in 2011.
The university has the only parkland campus in central London. Its library houses more than 350,000 books, along with a wide collection of e-books and access to electronic journals.
Grove House, Roehampton Lane, London, SW15 5PJ, UK.